How I Built
You may well be wondering how I came to build this web-site, so here is the condensed version ( the long story would require to many pages, and to much of your time)
I am a fifty two year old Scotsman named David, and have for the last thirteen years lived in a small Bavarian village here in Germany.
My wife Heike is a Doctor, and we have a beautiful three year old daughter called Kimberly and a one year old son called Conner.
Since Kimberly's arrival Heike has been a stay at home mum, as we both firmly believe that young children need their mother full time for the first few years.

Kimberly Feeding Her Tiger
There is of course one downside to that decision, and that is financial, as Heike's salary was the biggest part of our income and children are not inexpensive, I needed to find a way to boost our finances.
Heike kept on suggesting the internet as a possible solution to our problem, but I was very reluctant as I knew nothing about building web-sites, or computers in general (in fact I was a bit phobic)
However taking my courage in both hands, I went online.
What a disaster, in the first two months or so I must have bought six or seven different soft ware programs, every one guaranteed to make me a small fortune virtually overnight.
Well of course they did not, but being a true Scotsman I had no hesitation in asking for my money back, which I might add I did successfully on every occasion.
Then came the good news, an e-mail in my inbox recommending Solo Build It.
By this time I was very sceptical indeed, however I clicked on the link and an Aladdin's cave opened in front of my very eyes.
There included in the soft-ware package was everything you would ever need to build a business on the internet, this was no get rich quick scheme, this was and is an absolute Godsend.
If you would like to see a short video about how SiteSell can change your life, and that of your children then click on the video link below.
Built by a Canadian Doctor, Solo Build It exists exclusively to help small businesses succeed on the internet, you don't need to know HTML or any of that techie stuff, in fact it is so simple even I did it.
Ken Evoy SBI's founder is so confident, that he guarantees if you follow the action guide you will succeed, and for those who don't want to put in the effort there is even a no questions asked money back guarantee.
For anyone who has a passion or a hobby which excites you, I urge you to take a look at SBI for yourself, why not turn it into a business like I did, and earn a living from something you really enjoy doing.
And once it is off the ground you can give up the nine to five job, if that's what you want to do, work from home and spend a lot more time watching your children growing up, that's what I'm doing and its great.
If you would like to take a closer look at SBI then simply
click here.
It has changed my life, and it can change yours too for the better, so what are you waiting for? take a look for yourself.
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