Sean Connery in a Kilt
Why am I writing a page about Sean Connery, when this web site is about kilts?.
And the answer is simply that he is the most famous Scotsman of our time.
He has been voted the sexiest man alive (when asked what he thought of the award he is quoted as saying "Well there aren't many sexy dead men, are there") and he loves to wear the
Steven Spielberg is quoted as saying "there are seven genuine movie stars in the world today, and Sean is one of them".
I should of course refer to him as Sir Sean Connery, given that he is a Knight of the Realm.
He was Knighted at Hollyrood Palace Edinburgh on July 5th 2000 by her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, which is very fitting as Edinburgh is his birthplace.
Born on the 25 August 1930, he went from humble beginnings to become one of the world's best and most famous actors of all time.
Although as an actor he can command Millions of dollars per film, one of his very first jobs after leaving school, was a milk delivery boy, for which he was paid the sum of one pound and one shilling a week according to employment records dating from 1944.
He is without doubt best known for his roles in seven James Bond films (many people say he was the definitive James Bond) but he is also very active as an Ambassador for
Below you can see a photo of him in full
Highland Dress,
taken in Washington D.C. posing with two pipers at the Tartan Day celebrations. He is seen here wearing the "Maclean of Duart hunting" tartan which he wears in honor of his mother.

Sir Sean Connery and Pipers
One fact that is not widely known, is that he donated his entire salary from the film Diamonds are Forever to the charity Scottish International Educational Trust, which he co- founded.
The charity has funded millions of dollars for scholarships to young talented Scots who are in need of help to achieve their educational objectives.
He supports many other charities, but those closest to his heart encompass three areas that are very important to him, education, culture and Scotland.
For many years he has supported moves towards Scottish independence, and believes it will happen within his lifetime.
And he vows to move back to Scotland to live after independence is achieved.
He is fiercely proud of being Scottish and has two tattoos, which he had done during his time in the Royal Navy, he enlisted at age sixteen.
One tattoo reads "Mum and Dad" while the second reads "Scotland Forever".
So although he has lived for over fifty years abroad, I would say that his heart is still very much in Scotland, and he can often be seen in public wearing full Highland Dress.
And I'm sure you would agree with me that he looks absolutely fantastic in a kilt.
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