by Ben-Jarratt Brown
(Orlando (Lake Mary), FL. )
Kilts around the world are becoming a common sight, as more and more people discover how versatile and comfortable they really are.
Here is how one of the visitors to this website describes the benefits of wearing his kilts overseas.
I currently have five high quality 16 or 18 (military weight) oz kilts, and have worn one fairly routinely for over 30 years, and especially when I travel abroad.
Since the kilt is very versatile and can be worn as jeans would be worn, or with a coat and tie or for formal black tie occasions, I don't need to pack nearly as much stuff.
And the kilt is a virtual magnet that draws people.
One time when I was in the little town of Puerta Monte on the coast of Chile, my kilt drew everyone out of the local shops--you could here the rush of humanity--and produced much excitement and applause and, of course, some picture-taking.
I can tell countless stories of that nature.
And my kilt has led to many invitations into private homes around the world, that would never have been extended had I been just a plain tourist in trousers.
One result is that I have many friends around the world on every continent and many islands that I would not otherwise have had.
On a side note, I would point out that it takes no "courage" to wear the kilt in public or for non-Scottish outings, as some kilt-oriented discussion groups on the internet seem to worry.
PS: Great website
Thank you Ben for sharing some of your experiences with us, as you wear your kilts around the world.