Lamont in Belgium

by Dieter Leemans
(Brussels, Belgium)

Hi, my name is Dieter and I'm proud to wear a kilt too!

The Clan Lamont is my tartan by blood, and got it this year (2010) for my 30th birthday from Scotland. with the approval of Sir Reverend Peter Lamont (Perth/Sydney, Australia).

Although expensive, I'm proud to have it, and wear it whenever I can. And that is often enough.

I even wear it in daytime, including my work when the temperature allows it (as not to offend my teammates.

I live in Belgium (born & raised) but honor my own Scottish bloodline in any way possible.

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by: Rachel lamont

Hallo, I seen you are a lamont living in Belgium, do you know a Malcolm lamont please reply.

Ne Parcas nec Spernas
by: James

The motto of Clan Lamont, that wee all-but-forgotten Clan decimated by the Campbell's. Yet we have survived. Wear our family tartan proudly. I began wearing the kilt when I began to learn the pipes (The Great Highland Pipes, of course) and I've never look back - unless I forgot my Malt on the counter top.

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